“Two Thieves, Two Choices”

Two Thieves, Two Choices
[By Jeanette Roy]

Two men were crucified with Jesus. Both were thieves and both mocked Jesus – at first (Matthew 27:44).

As they hung there on their individual crosses, they were a captive audience and had a front row seat as to what was happening to Jesus. Their own lives would end soon as well.

But, one of the thieves had a change of heart. Why? What did he see or hear to make him stop mocking? We only know what is recorded in the gospel (Luke 23:39-43). What we do know is that he made another choice. He chose to believe that Jesus was the Christ. In those brief hours as he hung on a cross beside Jesus, he was transformed into a believer. When the other thief continued to mock Jesus, the reformed thief rebuked him. As a result of this transformation, Jesus promised him paradise.

The reformation of the thief took place while they each hung on a cross. Did Jesus speak quietly with him while the soldiers and crowd were berating and mocking Jesus? The scriptures do not tell us. What we do know is that the thief UNDERSTOOD that Jesus was the Christ. Because of his soon-to-be death, the thief wasn’t going to be around to become a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1-2). However, he was around to be a witness to the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ for our sins. He did what he could by rebuking his friend. He made a choice to believe.

We, too, have a choice. We can obey Christ and become a living sacrifice or reject Him. Two thieves, two choices.