“The Life Of A Living Sacrifice”

“The Life Of A Living Sacrifice”
[By Matthew Russom]

Sacrifice (n) – destruction or surrender of something for the sake of something else. (Merriam-Webster)

Paul outlines how to be a living sacrifice in Romans. In just twenty-one verses, an outline of how to live like a Christian is set in place for us to study for hours. Readers of the Bible also have the opportunity to read of those who were a living sacrifice for God. Jeremiah’s life was that of sacrifice for God and God’s will.

Jeremiah was born to spread God’s word as Jeremiah 1:5 reveals. God asks him to spread the word, which is a reoccurring message by both God and Jesus throughout the Bible. Jeremiah faced great opposition when he tried to spread God’s word. He sacrificed his comfort for the will of God. Jeremiah dedicates himself to warn Israel of their sins and the horrific future that is ahead of them. He pays an emotional cost to this as well as giving up his time. He was deeply saddened when his words fell on deaf ears. The emotional burden Jeremiah had to carry for God’s work did not push him off the path of doing what was asked of him.

Jeremiah’s life reveals that doing the work of the Lord is a great sacrifice. We are given gifts that will help us spread the word and save souls – “Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them…” (Rom 12:6, ESV). Christians are given the same commandment that Jeremiah got in verse 7 of the first chapter of Jeremiah, “But the Lord said unto me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a youth’; for to all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak” (ESV).

 Jeremiah’s constant feeling of failing and vanity is part of the sacrifice we must give to please God. We will be met with opposition like Jeremiah did, people will scoff at us, but we cannot be afraid. If we are to sacrifice something with God, we must be willing, and that includes sacrificing our comfort and fears to spread the Word.

 During our struggle we will be protected, as was said in Jer. 1:8 (ESV) “Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you declares the Lord.” God has promised us his protection, which is a great daily reminder that he is in control and we are sacrificing for something. God’s promises of those who are faithful are worth the turmoil that Jeremiah, Paul, and we have to endure. To be with God we must sacrifice ourselves for him.