“Whom Shall I Send, And Who Will Go For Us?”
[By Anonymous]
God asked this critical question in Isaiah 6:8 (ASV). Generations later, Paul breaks down just how really important this question is by quoting from Isaiah 52:7 (NASB).
“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news… who proclaims glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation…”
Consider as Paul breaks down the foundational principle behind teaching the gospel in Romans 10:14-15. Let us reverse the process of teaching as Paul does in this passage. As it turns out, no one can call on the Lord (be saved), due to lack of belief. They cannot obtain this belief due to the fact that they have not heard something. The ability to hear is impeded due to lack of a person teaching/ preaching to them. This lack of anyone teaching/ preaching rests on the fact no one is out there spreading the gospel.
Paul sets up a very basic domino effect of going-speaking-hearing-believing-obeying. The starting point mechanically is simply the act of one person going. And that is on us. We are not to worry about how a person will receive what we have to say. We are not to tally how many respond. We do not notch our belts on how many folk we speak with are actually baptized.
Isaiah speaks of a grand scene of God on His throne. A question is asked by our God. Will we be the one to respond as Isaiah did?
“Here send me.”
God’s command here in verse 9 is so simple. “Go. And tell…”