What To Expect At Our Assemblies

Anyone and everyone is welcome to visit our assemblies and join us in worshipping God. But, what should you expect to find when you arrive? We’re glad you asked – Here is a brief explanation of what you can expect to see at our worship assemblies.

Sundays – 9:30 A.M.

Before our services begin – Feel free to sit anywhere that you see an open seat (there is no assigned seating, even if we might habitually sit in the same spots). Our congregation is a small and typically friendly group, so expect for people to come up and introduce themselves to you. If it is your first time visiting, then you will probably be offered a “welcome” packet, which includes: an explanation of our services, a bulletin with an article written by a member of our congregation, and a “connection card” that we would appreciate you filling out so that we can have a record of your visit.

Announcements & Opening Prayer – Our services begin with someone giving some announcements about information concerning the members of the congregation. Then that brother will lead the congregation in a word of prayer.

Singing – Someone will then lead the congregation in a cappella singing (not accompanied by musical instruments). There will typically be about 3-4 songs at this point. We have song books (hymnals) under the seats that you can use, and you are welcome to join in on the singing or just listen (if you are not comfortable joining us in singing).

Middle Prayer – The congregation then stands (if you are able) as someone leads the congregation in another word of prayer (typically focused on praising God).

Scripture Reading – The congregation remains standing as someone reads a short portion of scripture.

Sermon – The congregation then sits back down and opens up their Bibles, while someone presents some prepared thoughts from the Word of God. This sermon will typically last about 20-25 minutes.

Invitation Song – After the sermon, the congregation stands while another song is lead. This is also an opportunity for anyone to respond to the message and ask for prayers, help, or to be baptized for the remission of sins.

The Lord’s Supper Sermon – We then have another 15-20 minute sermon, which focuses on the topic of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Sometimes a song or two will be lead that ties in with the lesson, and helps us focus our minds for partaking of the Lord’s Supper. As well as prayers before partaking of the bread and the cup.

Partaking of The Lord’s Supper – Someone will then go throughout the congregation and hand out bread, which represents the body of our Lord, to everyone who would like to partake of the Lord’s Supper. This is then repeated for the cup of the fruit of the vine (aka “grape juice”), which represents the blood of the covenant that was shed by Jesus for us. [During the pandemic: the person handing out the bread & cup will wear gloves and a mask. Everyone partaking should hold out a songbook for that brother to place the bread and cup onto it with less risk of contaminating anyone else with germs. The used cups can be placed under your seat to be disposed of after services.]

Closing Prayer – After the Lord’s Supper, someone will lead the congregation in a closing prayer.

Break Before Classes – At this time we will take a 5-10 minute break before starting our Bible classes. This provides time for more socializing, for going to the various classes (more on that soon), or for giving as part of our collection (more on that next).

Collection – This is something that the members of our congregation do, and we do not request/ require any visitors to give anything. However, the members of our congregation have the opportunity to give back to the work of the Lord by placing their offering (cash, check, etc.) in a basket at the back of the auditorium. This can be done before, during, or after services.

Bible Classes – After our services, we provide Bible classes for various ages. Anyone is welcome to stay in the auditorium to listen to/ participate in an adult Bible study. There is also currently one class offered downstairs for the children: an early elementary class. We are also currently offering an entry-level class for teens or adults, which is providing an overview of the Bible. Adults are welcome to join their children, or stay upstairs for the adult class. These Bible classes will last for about 30 minutes.

After Services – You are welcome to leave whenever you need to leave; however, we would love to get to know you better. So, please stick around for a few minutes after services for us to get a chance to meet you. If you filled out a “connection card”, then please give that to someone or leave it on a seat. If you have any questions about our worship services, anything said during the service, or anything else about the Bible, then please let us know. We would love to discuss these things with you or get together with you to study the Word of God.

Wednesdays – 7 P.M.

Before our services begin – Feel free to sit anywhere that you see an open seat (there is no assigned seating, even if we might habitually sit in the same spots). Our congregation is a small and typically friendly group, so expect for people to come up and introduce themselves to you. If it is your first time visiting, then you will probably be offered a “welcome” packet, which includes: an explanation of our services, a bulletin with an article written by a member of our congregation, and a “connection card” that we would appreciate you filling out so that we can have a record of your visit.

Announcements & Opening Prayer – Our services begin with someone giving some announcements about information concerning the members of the congregation. Then that brother will lead the congregation in a word of prayer.

Singing – Someone will then lead the congregation in a cappella singing (not accompanied by musical instruments). There will typically be about 2-3 songs at this point. We have song books (hymnals) under the seats that you can use, and you are welcome to join in on the singing or just listen (if you are not comfortable joining us in singing).

Brief Word of Encouragement/ Invitation – At this point, someone will present a few prepared thoughts from the Word of God. This talk will last about 5-15 minutes.

Invitation Song – After the “Invitation”, the congregation stands (if you are able) while another song is lead. This is also an opportunity for anyone to respond to the message and ask for prayers, help, or to be baptized for the remission of sins.

Closing Prayer – After the “Invitation Song”, someone will lead the congregation in a closing prayer.

Break Before Classes – At this time we will take a 5-10 minute break before starting our Bible classes. This provides time for more socializing or for going to the various classes (more on that next).

Bible Classes – After our services, we provide Bible classes for various ages. Anyone is welcome to stay in the auditorium to listen to/ participate in an adult Bible study. There is also currently one class offered downstairs for the children: an early elementary class. We are also currently offering an entry-level class for teens or adults, which is providing an overview of the Bible. Adults are welcome to join their children, or stay upstairs for the adult class. These Bible classes will last for about 30 minutes.

After Services – You are welcome to leave whenever you need to leave; however, we would love to get to know you better. So, please stick around for a few minutes after services for us to get a chance to meet you. If you filled out a “connection card”, then please give that to someone or leave it on a seat. If you have any questions about our worship services, anything said during the service, or anything else about the Bible, then please let us know. We would love to discuss these things with you or get together with you to study the Word of God.

If you have any questions about how/ why we do what we do, then please reach out and ask us. We would love to discuss these things with you.