Genesis-2 Chronicles / Who Cares? YOU SHOULD!!
[By Brad Turner]
“Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus…” Remember first learning the books of the Bible? Trying to say them in order? These strange words. We eventually got them where we could rattle them off, but then what did we really know about them? I mean, we’re Christians, right? We’re not under the Old Testament, right? Shouldn’t we know more about the New Testament, and really try to learn that more?
Well…yes, but…
During 2024, we are “going back to basics”. Building, studying, reviewing the foundations of our faith. What are those foundations? What gives the New Testament, our new covenant with our Lord and Savior, the grounding, the strength it so perfectly has? The Old Testament! That’s right! I said it! (or wrote it). Have you ever just counted how many times the Old Testament is quoted in the New Testament?
What is, or rather, WHO is our foundation? Our hope for the future? The One in whom we place our faith and trust? Jesus, the Christ! From Genesis to Revelation, the theme and subject of the entire Bible is the One who will redeem a “people of and for God”, Jesus, the righteous!
In our class downstairs we are going through the “gist of the Bible”. We have started in Genesis and slowly are making our way through the Old Testament. We have just concluded the history of Israel up to the Babylonian captivity (Genesis – 2 Chronicles). By the time you are reading this, we should be completely through the books of history – Joshua – Esther. Then we will begin to place the remaining books of poetry and prophecy into their respective timeframes within those historical books. We cannot possibly delve into each bit of detail, but the goal is to try and “make application” to our lives as Christians! I have confessed that I may overdo it, but I do not believe in coincidences in the Bible. The entire Old Testament is full of “types” and foreshadows found in the New Testament. From people, places, and events – these recorded (for our learning!) open our eyes to the marvelous Gospel message that we are privileged to possess today! They enlighten our understanding of what blessings we have as Christians and the redeeming and reconciling message of Christ!
Just think with me for a moment…
Genesis chapter one – the story of creation. How do we know about it? Who was even there to write this down? Well, no one human! We know that the first five books of the Bible were written by Moses. How did he know what went on? He was not even born until thousands of years later! The Holy Spirit – who was there – guided his hand to write these things down for us? Do you believe them? Do you believe that God – through the power of His very Word – created the world and universe in six days? Might I suggest, this is your first test of faith. If you do not really believe the story of creation how can you believe the “power” of the Gospel to save your soul? (see Romans 1:16-17)
What else do we gain from Genesis?
We learn the following:
- The beginning of sin and it’s cost/damage.
- The promise of redemption – through woman’s seed (descendant).
- The promise of great blessings to all humanity.
- The true nature of faith.
- The “chosen people of God to be set apart from world” – sound familiar?
What about the rest? Cameron, in previous bulletins, has listed in capsule form the main idea/theme of each book in the Bible [Old Testament – New Testament]. One sentence to sum up each book. Keep those handy! Refer to them for the big picture.
In our class we have discussed the “exit” from captivity by way of water! A people enslaved in bondage being led out by a lawgiver, a mediator between God and man. One who, as a baby escaped the edict of death by a cruel ruler – sound familiar? One who personally talked with God Almighty! Who came down from the mountain heights with the word of God!
We have discussed a priesthood and system of sacrifice for atonement. A dwelling place for God among His people, and the punishment for rebellion and sin. The lifting up of a bronze serpent to heal those afflicted by that punishment – a look of faith upon a scary and intimidating symbol, but one of hope and healing! Sound familiar?
We have discussed a leader, whose very name means “Jehovah saves” (ever wonder what “Jesus” means?), leading a people (by water) into a promised land of their own. A leader who obeyed the conditions of grace, by faith, to have a promised victory over the enemies of God. We have discussed the condition of a people, who do “what is right in their own eyes”, and God, ever faithful, providing them with a deliverer!
We have discussed this people of God, who reject Him as king and want one they can see! We see a king given to them – one after God’s own heart – who is promised a son. A son who will build Him a house in which to dwell. A son who will sit on his father’s throne forever, and who will reign in piece. One is anointed for that task! Sound familiar?
We have discussed the rejection of God’s word delivered by the prophets. The intense hunt for these prophets who teach contradictory messages to the pride and whims of those in power. This word is one of warning; however, it is inundated with the message of repentance, a promise of forgiveness, and of hope of salvation. We see a few good kings among the many bad kings (“many are called, but few are chosen”; “the broad and narrow roads”) who seek after God like their “father” did (Remember that king mentioned in the previous paragraph?).
We have discussed their destruction as they are carried away into captivity yet again! At this point in our class, we are reminded of the return from captivity. A rebuilding of the city, the temple, and the wall. Breathlessly awaiting the arrival of the “anointed one” who will sit on the throne forever!
Why am I using so many exclamation points?!?!
Because we can see Christ and the message of salvation throughout the Bible! Genesis – 2 Chronicles (and the rest of the Old Testament) should be important to all of us! It is, as Paul described it, “our schoolmaster” or “tutor”, to lead us to Christ! As the Hebrew writer tells us, a better covenant is ours!
This year, let’s work hard to build on these foundations to truly become “the pillar and ground of the truth” AND to pass these guiding principles on to those who come after us (double exclamation point)