On this page you will find opportunities/ studies that are available for members and the community to get involved in.
Gospel Meetings
Click here to find information about upcoming gospel meetings, or listen to recordings of past gospel meetings.
Meet-Up Study

Monday Evening at 7:00pm – Reading through the Bible (Currently in the gospel of Luke). The study is at the Panera Bread at 1184 Shelburne Road, So. Burlingon, VT. See the Meetup page for further information.
Free Bibles
We always have free Bibles available for anyone who would like one. We will occasionally set up in a public space to hand out free Bibles. If you want more information about what Bibles we have available, how to request one, and when/ where we will be handing them out, then follow this link to find out more.
Evangelism Workshop
This class meets every other week on Wednesdays (5:45-6:45pm) and at the church building and is available on Zoom.
This class will focus on the practical side of evangelism. The goal is to equip us for evangelism with various concepts, approaches, and tools for evangelism. But, we won’t just talk about evangelism, we will put our study into practice, and thereby learn through experience.
During the weeks that we meet together for this workshop: We will start by discussing our evangelism efforts in the previous week, which will give us a great opportunity to encourage/ inspire one another, to brainstorm feedback on our approaches, and learn from what worked and what didn’t work well for us. Next, we will discuss that day’s topic, which will be a concept of evangelism, an approach(es) to evangelism, a tool(s) for use in evangelism, or some combination of multiple of those. Finally, we will game-plan/ assign a way for us to put that concept/ approach/ tool into practice in the next week.
During the weeks that we do not meet together for this workshop: We will be putting into practice what was talked about during the previous week. Everyone can do that individually, in pairs, or in small groups. We will have the full two weeks between meetings to do that week’s “assignment”, but we will at least have the one hour set aside (where we would normally meet in person) which we could use for applying what was discussed during the previous workshop.
Every Other Month Singing
Sings are held at Lynn Clayton’s House on the 3rd Friday of the month. However, it can move. So don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions.
Once every other month, everyone is invited to join us in singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs in praise to God and admonishment to one another. The first 30 minutes will be focused on learning/ practicing new songs and thinking through the meaning of some of those songs. Then we will break for 15 minutes, and finish with 30 minutes of open requests for songs to sing.
We will be using the hymnals: Hymns For Worship (Revised), Hymns For Worship (Supplement), and a binder of other songs collected with proper copyright permissions.
The time and date may vary, depending on schedules and availability, but we will be aiming for the third Friday of every other month.
Reason & Revelation
[Currently Only Reruns Due To The Pandemic]
[Reason & Revelation is in the process of transitioning to being released as a Podcast. Stay tuned for more information.]
Reason and Revelation is a local television program that concerns itself with biblical matters. It is broadcast live on Monday evenings at 5:30pm (EST) and can be viewed within Lake Champlain Access Television’s footprint (LCATV). It can also be streamed live online (link is below). Viewer participation is available and encouraged each and every Monday evening. Please feel free to contact us live on the air using the phone number listed below, or by emailing your questions or comments to the address below. We appreciate your interest in the program and hope the material covered will be edifying.
Live Call-In Number: 802.862.5724
Email Address for questions or comments: reason.revelation@gmail.com
Link to view live episodes (on Monday’s at 5:30pm EST): http://www.lcatv.org/live-video
Link to view past episodes: http://www.lcatv.org/series/reason-and-revelation
If you are interested in a personal bible study or starting a new group study, then please let us know. There are many members who would love to study with you. Contact info can be found here: https://miltonchurchofchrist.org/contact-us/