Door Knocking & Opening Doors

Door Knocking & Opening Doors
[By Anonymous]

Evangelizing always seems to involve doors. Doors to houses, doors to minds. Doors to ideas. And we who hold the gospel, are the ones to go out knocking on those doors.

In the face of the unusual reactions to someone being presented the gospel, this can seem intimidating. Rather than physically going out and knocking on physical doors, try a different kind of door knocking.

Kindness in the form of a kind word, a kind moment, a kind hand, a kind smile can open doors, break down barriers, gaining access to conversation. The average person on the street will generally not pause to give you the time of day let alone engage in a dialogue about salvation. But employing this form of door knocking very frequently gives them pause, allowing for you to gain a moment of their time. The dialogue that follows, however brief, can offer an opening to insert a spiritual direction to them. Once they have paused, responded, you can listen sincerely and look for those opportunities.

We are told in Galatians 6:9-10 to not grow weary of doing good and to do good to everyone. Let the good you do be the kindness that can lead to those conversations that win souls for Christ.