A Work In Progress

A Work In Progress
[By Caroline Piner]

My story is one that is not unique among Christians. Both of my parents are Christians, which meant that I grew up being a part of the church, going to worship on Sundays and Wednesdays, having Bible studies with my family and also going to studies at people’s houses. Some of my fondest memories are of my siblings and I reading the Bible with my mom before we started school in the morning and then reading in the evening with mom and dad before bed. I have always been around the church, which is an amazing blessing from the Lord. I’m thankful for my parents’ examples and teachings from a young age. But growing up “in the church” for me meant that I didn’t push myself to grow as much as I wish I had.

I was baptized at the age of 10. I felt the guilt of my sins, even at that young age, and I couldn’t shake it so I went to my parents and told them I wanted to be baptized. Being so young, I understand if they were hesitant about if I was ready or not. But in our conversation about how I felt about what I’d done, they realized I was ready and I was baptized the next Sunday evening after church. Certainly, at age 10, I didn’t understand everything about the Bible, but I knew enough to realize that my sin wasn’t going anywhere until I obeyed the Lord’s command.

My faith grew as I did, as I continued to be in Bible classes and studies with my family. But it wasn’t until college when I started dating a special someone when I realized that I wanted to do more in service to God. I wanted to be in God’s word more, because there was so much I didn’t know that I felt like I should know after growing up in the church. This was not a failure on my parents’ part, but on mine for not diving in deeper on my own. They provided me with a strong foundation that I have been building on my whole life. Since being in college and having the support and example of my husband, I have been able to look back and see the growth.

Like so many others, probably every Christian, I want to be further along than I am. But I thank God for the growth he has provided me thus far. Even in just the past year after becoming a parent, God has taught me so much about who He is and who he wants me to be as a Christian, a wife, a mother, a friend, etc. I have struggled over the years and still do struggle with depression and anxiety. I don’t always understand why being a part of the church is worth it when I still feel alone. Especially in being a young parent in a congregation with no other babies and moms my age. But I am constantly reminded that I am an example to people around me and God reminds me to lean on him. I have seen his perfect strength in my weakness.

While growing up in the church didn’t provide me with a big “coming to Jesus” moment, I’m so grateful that I’ve been able to know who Jesus is my whole life. I am far from perfect, only by God’s grace am I here at this point, but I know that by God’s grace, I will continue and hopefully my story can be an example to someone in a similar situation.