“To Be Meek Is To Trust In The Lord“
[By Ashley Cross]
Zephaniah 3:12– “Those who are left will be the lowly and humble, for it is they who trust in the name of the Lord” (NLT).
David was meek in dealing with Saul when he chose not to kill him in the cave because he trusted God. David recognized that Saul was appointed by God to be king over Israel and chose not to kill him, even though Saul had been plotting against him. Even though God told him to “…do to him as it seems good to you” (1 Samuel 24:4, NASB). Jesus said “Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth” (Matthew 5:5), and so it was for David. David remained meek and received God’s anointment and became King of Israel after Saul’s death. David was given the opportunity to kill Saul like Saul had been trying to do to him but David decided not to kill him because he trusted God. Saul was anointed by God and for David to have killed Saul, would be to go against God. So, David chose to cut his robe and show Saul he is not against him, even though those around him said to kill him.
The Story of David and Saul shows us that meekness and trust in the Lord makes us strong. We should strive to be humble and meek like David. We learn that we should make big decisions with the Lord in mind.